Source Code

toodie woodie

when you fart and get hard; the ultimate embarrassment

John was presenting to the class, when he pulled a toodie woodie and had to leave the country

by Collloser The Typer Boi March 6, 2022


verb; meaning to not exist

P1"Dude, my dad's wyoming again."
P2"Bruh, that sucks. My dad wyomed three years ago."
P1"Lmaooo, you suck"
P2 then fucking dies

by Collloser The Typer Boi November 28, 2021


go add him

go add @covish#0727 its funny

by Collloser The Typer Boi March 4, 2022

Boys Changing Room

What goes on in the boys changing room, stays in the boys changing room

where we get to kiss boys

Pablo said in the Boys Changing Room "Dude, Scott is so good at kissing"

by Collloser The Typer Boi November 5, 2021

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž



osu! lol

by Collloser The Typer Boi November 5, 2021

30πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž



i like pp
thats gay

by Collloser The Typer Boi November 5, 2021

i like dick

saying used by gay men that means: i like dick

jo: i like dick
Mama: me too
Jo: wanna fuck
Mama: hell yeah

by Collloser The Typer Boi November 5, 2021