Source Code

A Ten

like a girl's a knock out,mad hot,sexy,stunning,fucking hottttttt,

guy1:dude did u see that girl in that car!?
guy2:YEAH she's A Ten! or a 10!

by Colombian94 May 16, 2009

116👍 15👎

Fuckin dick

Can be used in a good term or a bad term when talking about something bad that occured but is still funny is a good way but pisses someone else off or is just naturally bad

or in a good way when something awesome has occured and rocks


Aaron:joe this weather's fuckin dick

Joe:oh yeah


Aaron:dude that striper (fish) is fuckin dick

Joe:i know man

by Colombian94 August 19, 2009

13👍 6👎


Good to know

(on aim)

Jake: dude i got some weed in the backpack u want some?

Ray: nah man im good but its g2k

Jake: alright ill ttyl i g2g

by Colombian94 April 18, 2009

90👍 12👎