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Elijah Woods

The guy who plays Frodo in the LOTR movies. He might as well change his is name to Frodo, because that's all anyone is ever going to call him.

Bob: "I watched Flipper last night!"
Joe: "Isn't Frodo in that?"

by Colororangey June 6, 2004

77👍 28👎


What you find in your Grandma's basement.

Hmmmmmmm, I wonder what's in this black bag........

by Colororangey June 8, 2004

198👍 188👎

Another one bites the dust

The chorus to a popular song by Queen. Fun to listen to backwards, just as Stairway to Heaven is.

Another one bites the dust = It's fun to smoke Marijuana

by Colororangey June 8, 2004

77👍 117👎