Source Code

the impossible situp

when one bounds another across the head with a shirt and tells him to attempt to do a situp while an acomplice drops his pants and points his ass at the person doing the situp, at which time the shirt is released and the one attempting his the ass with his face

Damn, me and jorge got albert so good with that impossible situp.

by Combat 84 July 1, 2004


A somewhat derogatory term made up by oscar, refering to male genitialia

Dongus is one ridiculous word

by Combat 84 July 1, 2004

42👍 32👎


See Dongus

We painted a shlongoid on his face while he was sleeping

by Combat 84 July 1, 2004

1👍 2👎


A british term for brass knuckles.

I hit him in the side of the face with my knuckleduster.

by Combat 84 June 29, 2004

35👍 11👎


To hit someone with brass knuckles or a knuckleduster

He got dusted so hard he forgot his own name.

by Combat 84 June 29, 2004

7👍 15👎