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Git gud

Slang for "get good". Used by people that have no lives in are so close to professional level in competitive games e.g. Call of Duty

Everytime I hear 'git gud', it's from someone that is a real loser in real life.

by Commander8750 December 22, 2018

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A popular and cancerous third party shooter game that makes the future generation more dumber than it was before.

If I hear one more person talk about Fortnite, I'm going to leave this planet.

by Commander8750 December 22, 2018

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An old English soldier from WWI and WWII that drove tanks to destroy enemy frontlines or a strategist that was planning to destroy enemy headquarters.

That Batman is crazy, he wants us to win this war by destroying the headquarters with bombs.

by Commander8750 December 22, 2018


A holiday that was first called "Hallow's Eve" for Christan or Catholic until 1800s when it became a holiday for kids to dress up and get candy.

Halloween was a religious holiday due to "All Saint's Day."

by Commander8750 December 22, 2018


The combination of Captain Qwarks' superhero name from the Ratchet and Clank video game series with the word fantastic, which means the same thing as fantastic but in a prideful manner.

I'm doing Qwarktastic.

by Commander8750 September 2, 2022

PC Mustard Race

A group of people that go on video game console subrettits or formus to talk down to the "console peasants', as this group believes that games should only be on PC only and are considered outcasts by the PC Master Race.

Console gamer: Oh look at thos graphics, they are so--
PC Gamer: Why are you complenting those horrible graphics? They look like shit.
Console Gamer: Oh joy... another PC Mustard Race person... I heard Batman Arkham Knight didn't do so well on PC. SUCK ON THAT!

by Commander8750 September 2, 2022


A person that believes they are trying to get gender equallity but will go on a temper tantrum when females is targeted in a negative manner.

A bunch of feminist are mad that some fat lady was guilty of rape.

by Commander8750 December 22, 2018

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