Hangry is the breaking point where the need for food, or hunger, changes one's personality of a happy and joyous disposition to an angry and hostile disposition
I forgot to eat breakfast this morning, and now I'm just so hangry that I just want to punch something.
When someone refuses to follow texting etiquette by not returning your text message, you may be forced to text them back with an textimatum, "Please respond, or else...."
"I'm wondering why you haven't returned the answer to my text yet. I hate to give you a textimatum, but answer me or deal with the consequences"
A physical sensation of feeling frozen and overwhelmed while in the presence of clutter.
I can't help the overwhelming feeling that I am about to stuffocate when I look at that messy office.
The state of being overwhelmed in the face of clutter.
After being trapped below a pile of garbage, the coroner ruled that Mary died of stuffification.