An Analog Horror series created by Unknowingly. The series is featured on a man who had basically fused in a Godzilla suit after taking a drug.
Bro 1: Man this Analog Horror series called The Man in The Suit is very cool!
Bro 2: Nah man, it's actually very boring. I'm gonna go to bed now.
After Bro 2 woke up and looked outside of his window, he saw The Man in The Suit outside of his house.
When you are not sure if a statement is true or false so instead of saying "A true statement." or "A false statement." you say "A fruse statement.". If you somehow cannot tell, fruse is a combination of the word true and the word false.
"Hmmm, that is quite a fruse statement you made there."
What you say when you want to say that a specific mussel has some nice big muscles.
"Man, that mussel's got muscles! All those other mussels over there have no muscles at all, but this one does! Anyways, let's eat!"
A group of mussels that has some nice big muscles.
"Yo those mussels got muscles! Man those muscles are absolutely huge bro! Anyways, let's eat!"
A small travel fridge that is inside of a child who is inside of a fridge.
"When I accidentally triggered an avalanche in the junkyard, a fridge fell down, opening revealing the mummified remains of a kid. And then the kid opened, revealing the mummified remains of a small travel fridge. It was a fridgekidfridge."
"Oooh, spooky.".