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1)To want something or
2)to agree with some one

1) A: Alright mate, fancy a pint?
B: Guilty mate!

2) A: Mate she was well fit!
B: Guilty

by ConDoc December 11, 2007

25👍 23👎


A tradition at GKT (Kings College London Medical School), when one does something good or bad playing sport they recieve 8 shots of gin in a class which they have to neck.

Great goal mate, you'll get ginned for that!

Gin him!

Its your birthday? oh your getting ginned later

by ConDoc December 11, 2007

51👍 10👎


when one spills their drink, they have to down their next drink out of their shoe

'Spillage! shoe it!'

'you spilt that? shoeing time!'

by ConDoc December 11, 2007

16👍 22👎