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v.tr. Derived from the word "studying," it is focusing attention on someone or something.

"Randolph, ain't nobody studdin' you, so go on back to sleep with your grumpy ass."

by Cookies for Pilgrims February 28, 2008

166👍 14👎

Turtle Fucker

n. A poorly functioning computer

Person 1: Did you get the email I sent you?
Person 2: No. My computer is being a turtle fucker.

by Cookies for Pilgrims May 10, 2009

12👍 3👎

Fish with Titties

n. Something completely insane or nonsensical.

"You crazier than a fish with titties if you think I'm gonna let you smoke that shit up in my car."

by Cookies for Pilgrims February 28, 2008

17👍 2👎