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A person who is married to a white woman with a common name like, (Emma, or Annabelle).
Who is typically "Asian" and "Hispanic".

I didn't know that guy was a Megga until I meet his wife.

by CoolantGG August 14, 2021


Someone who acts like a gamer girl but in reality is a guy. Acts "Sus" a lot of the time.

Usually "Hispanic" and "White"

C0rny (Aka) PlumFormula

by CoolantGG September 4, 2021


An entity who's true form is too much for the world to handle that he is forced to shape shift into a 5"11 Ant.

Has the ability to charm any female on planet earth.

Usually referred to as "Cool"

CoolantGG (Aka) Cool

by CoolantGG September 4, 2021