when the government tells you through extrasensory perception that youâve committed a felony hours later to affect your emotions more instead of the less than an hour it takes to emotionally overcome a misdemeanor
The government was float copping on the food stamp frauders.
nickname for Dubya speechwriter and Maryland resident Jonathan Horn that was given by George W. Bush
Horny published books on American History.
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nickname for Duke of Cambridge Prince William
Wombat went to college with his wife Duchess of Cambridge, Princess Kate.
when players tell you to slow down in practice to prevent repeat plays that waste time.
The Cooper Clause was made at USC because of Jordan Thomas Cooperâs good play.
when you use a deep voice to mimic the command used in courtrooms or other arguments.
The baritone beg made everyone take the historical American seriously.
nickname from Kardashian family members for Khloe Kardashian
Koko was married to a few NBA champions.
nickname from Jordan Thomas Cooper for Dubya appointee Amanda Makki, Esq.
AM-UNODIR was the highest ranking Iranian-American female in the Army during Dubyaâs administration and the Army is the largest branch of the armed forces.