nickname for Karl Rove who read over 100 books a year on average.
Bushâs Brain is a stalwart on the worldâs largest tv station-Fox News.
when a black man is educated on cultural studies formally
Jordan Thomas Cooper was like a Black Wilson Wilson Jr. because he was the first minority to work for an elected official of every race.
an ad-lib by rapper O.T. Genasis to celebrate Reginald Bush pushing Matt Leinart into the endzone to score against Notre Dame in 2005.
The Bush Push is used by many offensive players in football today and Reginald Bush has the highest voting percentage for a Heisman Trophy winner at above 91 percent.
when you store things that are positive about you in your electronics
The me file made everyone have good mental health and an upstanding spirit.
using maximum life support in emergency medical situations like Gov. Jeb Bush would like.
The person with stage 4 cancer was revived after she was jebbing.
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when a person uses vocabulary that people with the highest degree in fields use to relate to them
The term techie Jordan Thomas Cooper could talk like people with a terminal degree in middle school and was part of his school's academic competition team (Quest) which was taught by a teacher who was Stephen Colbert's brother.
nickname from the Democratic Party for Dr. Sununu
The No-Neck Monster raised taxes like a liberal during the George H. W. Bush administration.