Bellcreaser (noun): One who has creased their bell, or who has caused someone else's bell to crease (Brit slang). For full definition, see bellcrease.
"Argh, get off me you fucking bellcreaser!" exclaimed Nicholas.
1. Kraemus (adjective): Anglo-Germanic term used to describe something inadequate or poor.
Origin: Originally used by tennis legend and pundit Boris Becker during analysis of a tennis match at Wimbledon.
2. Kraemus (noun): Anglo-Germanic word used in an English language context, meaning excrement. Has been adopted by English Becker fans.
1. McEnroe: "What do you think of that shot, Boris?"
Becker: "Nein, vee don't allow kraemus at Vimpledon."
2. "Yo, mate, I might be a while, I'm going for a kraemus."