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Linkin Park.

what you've heard is true, Linkin Park is a poser Nu-Metal band whos message is "im rich and everybody loves me, but im just so sad"
they take a very long time to think of songs and lyrics, if you dont belive me, just look at reanimation...its the second album which does nothing but remake their past songs by rearranging their lyrics a bit and make it seem like the cd is skipping....really, really, bad way to make a second cd...im sorry

i believe in free speech, but please, shut the hell up

by CorrodedBeing December 1, 2004

154๐Ÿ‘ 215๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bill Clinton

a man that everyone on the first page of this definition hates because he got oral in the oval. These people are what make this country a bunch of prudes who frown upon a woman showing anything but their hands and face (or the president enjoying pleasure from someone who's not a man....erm...Hilary Clinton...). I wonder why we elected him...not once but TWICE...yep...sounds like the worst president to me. Hell, Nixon wasnt that bad either. I quote Brantowan in this "known for nurturing a strong economy, steering clear of foreign entanglements"

please guys, shut up about immorality. Morality is overated

Clinton is better than you and all your little anti-clinton followers

by CorrodedBeing December 3, 2004

90๐Ÿ‘ 117๐Ÿ‘Ž

blind hatred

1.to strongly dislike something without knowing the facts, or by using false information

2.what 50% of the people using this website have for the united states.
some of these people throw around words like facist, imperialist, arrogant, and ignorant to make people think they're smart.
Generalizing 270,000,000 people is a little hard, but they manage to do it.

Yes, yes I know, we are egocentric, megalomaniacal, capitalist bastards. Your the 15th person who's said it today.

by CorrodedBeing May 22, 2005

99๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž