A distorted human figure representing the disproportionate sensory-motor centers for the human body, most of which is dedicated to the hands, lips and mouth, and feet.
i have SO much feeling in my hands!
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A term based on the second phase of psychosexual development described by Freud (and appended by Erickson).
Used in modern times to describe a person blessed with nit-picking abilities.
"harness that anus, shower it with gifts for one day it's fruit may stand between us and complete destruction."
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Rumpstalk (n.)The silky smooth hair found at the base of a centaur's rump.
"If it weren't for those rumpstalks, all human live wouldn't be built around servitude to high-flying centaurs and their soft-lipped concubines"
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first heard as a descriptor (or more precisely: "word picture") of fone-bone, a loveable character from the golden era radio comedy; "fone-bone's folly".
Maroon (n.): One who wears hushpuppies brand or styled footwear and engages in pedophilic tendencies including autoerotic gratification in the presence of children.
"fone-bone, your a maroon!"
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n. A wax slab used in the female circumcision ceremonies of the upper nubian tribes (who occupied the nile cattaracts in the 20's AD).
The item is described in the 'Alexandrian Hisotories' published by the historian "Livy".
"And a new layer was shorn forth of the fuckstation and the young girl came forward and cleaved what was hers."
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