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white trash

(Noun) A chain-smoking, 300+ pound Welfare termite that can be found wearing oversized Looney Tunes apparel, 65-pocket stone washed denim with lace accents and costume jewlery that smells like a cats asshole due to their excessive amounts of uncaged animals in a 10 x 5 trailer, with scattered animal shit lining their property (lot). Avid QVC shopper and Schwann's consumer who puts televised shopping over the cleanliness and well-being of their 15 illegitimate, shit-faced children. Also, a sue-crazed, government leech who drives an uninsured woodpaneled station wagon or Dodge Neon with NASCAR or Wrestling stickers littering the windows.

Crystal's white trash daughter Destiny woke up under a pool table with a used rubber hanging out of her ass last night and her Taz t-shirt glazed.

by Cory & Justin February 27, 2008

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