A stick that has crystallized sugar on it, used for puting in a hot drink like tea or coffee and then stirring
You don't need a spoon and sugar anymore, its 2018 use a sugar stick
Defining someone else name as a word (typically on Urban dictionary)to either bully them or suck up to them.
Also when a actor gets called by a character name or stage name they no longer use
I'm namewording Mark cos he's such a dick
Hey babe I've nameworded you because you are so sweet
I'm Dwayne Johnson I hate being nameworded as the Rock
When fans of a sport, usually football (soccer) cause mayhem after a match
When they won it was complete fanarchy
Fanarchy in the streets after their team won the cup
He trashed the pub in a moment of fanarchy
To be liberated. To be freed from way of thinking or living to another better one.
Reberation is liberation of the mind or lifestyle
Now i know that i feel completely reberated.
There is no reberation without education
A woman who resembles your first love (especially if her name was laura) in some way or does something that reminds you of her
With that hair tied back and those glasses she looks really laurary
That joke was typically laurary
I need to meet another laurary woman
Liberating or something that is liberating for the mind or body.
Being freed or reborn in mind or perception through experiencing something
Seeing this sunset is really reberating
Everyone who feels hopeless needs to do something reberating
The technical term for having the mind of a child or being born again.
You must go through reberation before you see the kingdom
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