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A trumpian, lavrovian torrent of lies so outrageous that the shock value of hearing it makes it marginally plausible.

Lavrov liestream: “The Russian military operation is strictly avoiding civilian targets.”
Trump liestream: “They should put Chinese symbols on the planes and bomb the shit out of them. They’d think it was the Chinese.”

by Couyon March 8, 2022


The noxious and indelible odor emanating from a person or politician who got caught up in the tsunami of bile, bullshit, racism, misogyny, homophobia, etc., that comes out of Trump’s pie hole daily.

“Damn G, Lindsey Graham got trumpstank so bad I can’t be in the same building with the boy."

by Couyon October 28, 2020

4👍 1👎


The gentle but forceful removal of a colleague's head from their butt. The procedure was developed by Dr. Couyon in Louisiana.

Cuz, T-Boy needs a cranialrectalectomy...stat!

by Couyon November 6, 2017