A disgusting example of the female of our species.
Will have any kind of sex with any kind of person(or any mammal for that matter).
She usually does not wash herself well. And will surly cover her own odor with too much perfume.
She will always stalk her prey and wait until they cant stand on their own before making her move.
This is the girl that goes home with the drunkest guy at the bar and will always cause trout mouth.
"Look at that chick over there, what a nasty filthfest she is huh? Im gonna stop drinking RIGHT now."
3👍 1👎
A severe type of cunnilingus (oral sex on a woman).
Deep tongue spelunking usually involves trying to get ones tongue as far into the vaginal cavity as possible.
This is usually done by tilting ones head back and almost inserting the lower jaw/chin.
Use with caution "DTS" has been known to cause severe neck injuries and may also lead to trout mouth if the receiver has not been properly identified.
"This girl was so hot I went deep tongue spelunking for WAY too long now I have to wear this neck-brace for a week."
35👍 9👎
Describes the sticky, pungent taste in your mouth that follows a long night of drinking after which you take home the nastiest, dirtiest, filthfest of a woman and proceed to engage in such things as sixty-nines and deep tongue splunking with her.
The only known cure for trout mouth is long oral wash with white vinegar (do NOT try toothpaste, the taste of trout and mint will surly cause vomiting) and a REALLY long shower. Assuming of course that you've already gone home or -if the act took place at your house- ejected the culprit from your home.
"A good friend would NOT have let me take THAT home. I woke up with the worst case of trout mouth today. You evil son-of-a-bitch."
44👍 65👎
Describes the sticky, pungent taste in your mouth that follows a long night of drinking after which you take home the nastiest, dirtiest, filthfest of a woman and proceed to engage in such things as sixty-nines and deep tongue splunking with her.
The only known cure for trout mouth is long oral wash with white vinegar (do NOT try toothpaste, the taste of trout and mint will surly cause vomiting) and a REALLY long shower. Assuming of course that you've already gone home or -if the act took place at your house- ejected the culprit from your home.
"A good friend would NOT have let me take THAT home. I woke up with the worst case of trout mouth today. You evil son-of-a-bitch."
19👍 47👎