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A mosher is usually someone who due to having no friends as a child at school (usually around the age of 13) Decides the only way an outcast like themselves will ever have any social interaction will be to suddenly declare they are sooooooo individual and join the other 50 lonely outcasts in the school by wearing daft baggy clothes and listening to American rock bands that are soooooo individual. These bands are so individual in fact that they sell millions of copies around the world. Very individual I’m sure you agree.
By joining this individual group the "mosher" then finds themselves with the chance at a social life, all be it with other outcasts.
When in a group they like to fantasise about beating up "chavs and "townies” They do this sometimes to let off the steam and pain of having been forced to exist as a freak solely to get friendship from other freaks.
“Moshers” sometimes like to go on websites and say how much they hate chavs and would beat one up if they had a chance. But in reality usually have been bullied and beaten by chavs their whole entire lives and would run the next time they saw one. They get so angry about this fact they often set up websites such as chavscum to rant about it, while usually the chavs they rant about have much more interesting things to do than sit around making websites to say how much they hate other people.

The mosher was sitting and quivering fearing his next beating at the hand of the local popular kids.

The mosher finally hit 21 and decided to become normal and cut his hair seems as the hell of his school life was over

by Craig Jester November 20, 2006

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