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Lake Havascrew

Nickname for Lake Havasu in Arizona. A popular spring break destination for west coast college students where they go out on a boat, get drunk, and screw.

Dad: "Son, you going to Lake Havascrew
for spring break?"
Son: "Of course Dad."
Dad: "Don't forget to wrap up."
Son: "Why?"
Dad: "I don't want you coming home with
a bunch of ulcers and warts on
your junk like I did when I was
your age."

by Crapholio August 4, 2005

32πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


When you take such a huge dump that the poop piles up in the shape of a pyramid. The tip of the pyramid sticks out above the toilet waterline, filling the bathroom with a foul smell.

I often do a courtesy flush to avoid forming a poop pyramid.

by Crapholio September 7, 2005

8πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

Murder one

Another saying for first degree murder

Ted just got convicted of murder one, now he's going to ride the lighning.

by Crapholio August 6, 2005

73πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


San Diego--geographically situtated in the lowest southern-most part of Cali. Acronym for Lower California. Even further south than socal.

"socal is great, but I like to vacation in local because it gets me further away from nocal."

by Crapholio July 22, 2005

15πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž

sad sack of shit

Sorry ass wimp ass pathetic piece of crap. Man with a dead fish handshake who walks with his shoulders slumped and talks in a whiney voice, slightly feminized and very fearful of confrontation.

Bill: "There's Mike, moping around like lost his only friend. I can't believe how he rolls over every time Eddie steals his lunch money."

Jack: "What a sad sack of shit."

by Crapholio July 22, 2005

86πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


What is formed when get a woody while wearing boxer shorts. Similar to pitching a tent.

My wife walked into the bedroom with that "fuck me" look in her eyes. All of a sudden I had a teepee in my shorts.

by Crapholio July 27, 2005

76πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž

missing link

A man who is covered head to toe with thick and wiry hair. He's so hairy, he's the missing link that connects humans to apes.

Joe: "Damn, it's 115 degrees out here. Why doesn't Tom take off his shirt?"
Dick "That poor bastard is so hairy, he got tired of being called the missing link."

by Crapholio July 12, 2005

5141πŸ‘ 2471πŸ‘Ž