Source Code


The doom of this planet.

"Humans are nothing but fucking viruses with shoes."

by Crapper McGee March 28, 2004

3174πŸ‘ 386πŸ‘Ž

sleepwalk capsules

Any halucinogenic drug. Refers to the halucinations you experience while under the influence of halucinogens, as they can be like dream, but in a conscious state.

Also a song by the band "At The Drive-In".

Dude1: Hey, you're acting kinda wierd, man.
Dude2: You know that last tab of acid I was saving?
Dude1: Yeah?
Dude2: I dropped it.
Dude1: Far out, man. You took a sleepwalk capsule?

by Crapper McGee March 28, 2004

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Nose, the one in the middle of your face, you know.

"Damn, she's got a big beezer!"

by Crapper McGee January 23, 2004

41πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž


Breast implants/female with breast implants

"Whoa! That's some serious bolt-ons!" or "She's an obvious bolt-on."

by Crapper McGee January 23, 2004

33πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


Curly hair, like bacon curls up in the frying pan.

"Let's buzz, baconhair!"

by Crapper McGee January 23, 2004

12πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


When you shave the hair on your head to 2 or 1 millimeter in length, so that when you run your hand over your head, it feels like a coarse, short-haired brush. When you try to pull a sweater or shirt over your head, it will stick a bit like velcro.

"Man, this velcro got me a head full of lint from my sweater".

by Crapper McGee January 25, 2004

4πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

california king

A self-made man, but overly arrogant and full of himself, highly egotistical, unaware of anything that does not directly relate to him. Has a use-and-throw-away-policy regarding women. Primarily from the sunshine state, but they have been known to migrate.

"What an asshole, he's such a california king!"

by Crapper McGee January 23, 2004

66πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž