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Meat + Retard
Insult for meat-lovers who are aggressive & obnoxious about it.

Meat eating is an egosyntonic behavior for meatards & sometimes simultaneously egodystonic.
They have redeeming qualities but their bad traits are complacency, conformity, hedonism, resistance to change, tribalism, combativeness, proneness to psychological reactance, “do-gooder derogation” & defensiveness in response to anticipated or perceived criticism

Meatards resentfully offend the mere presence of a vegan & often won’t take kindly to a vegetarian/pescetarian either. Meatards may adopt feelings of hate or superiority towards these groups to cope with perceived/anticipated moral reproach.

Immature & spiteful behavior is common: like eating twice as much meat as usual to spite people who argue collective meat-reduction would be beneficial.

Meatards act defensive, dismissive, condescending, discouraging, hostile or stand offish if one simply mentions a commitment to meat-abstaining or just intention to limit intake. A major uniting behavior of nearly all meatards is attempts to discourage or devalue these people w/ specific fallacies like; nirvana fallacy, false attribution, falsedichotomy, falseauthority, appeal to authority, appeal to futility, appeal to ridicule, appeal to nature, appeal to tradition, argumentum ad populum, inflation of conflict, slippery slope, kettle logic, circular reasoning, nut/cherry picking, moving goal post, argument from anecdote, ad hominem & invincible ignorance

Jess: “Why is Mark screaming his head off at Dustin about how lions live life?”

Carlos: “Just ignore mark he’s a total meatard and he thinks Dustin’s veganism is a personal attack.”

Jess: “Hmm that reminds me of Piers Morgan.”

by CraptacularCraptastic December 6, 2024