A shantytown of temporary dwellings, named after President George W. Bush, which people may have to live in if we fall in to an economic depression.
The bank foreclosed on my home and now IΓ’ΒΒm moving to shanty in Bushboro, like my grand parents moved to Hooverville during the Great Depression.
226π 60π
A shantytown of temporal dwellings, named after President George W. Bush, that people may have to live in if we fall in to an economic depression.
If the current economic downturn continues we will be living in a Bushboro of cardboard boxes like the Hooverville's of the Great Depression.
281π 122π
When you are talking with some one that your are interested friendship/dating/quickie and they casually drop the "WE" word into the conversation. This indicates that they are not available.
ME: (talking to hottie at coffee shop) So how's your vacation going?
Hottie: We (droping the WE Bomb) are having a great time. My wife and are really enjoying our selves.
ME: (hopes dashed) Oh thats great. (walking away and sulking)
13π 3π
The act of going to the bathroom before your actually need to so that you do not have to go later.
Joe: IΓ’ΒΒm taking a preemptive pee break before the moive starts so I donΓ’ΒΒt miss the climax.
Tom: Good idea, I'm right behind ya man.