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Molly collied

When a homosexual child who doesn't know he's gay yet but mammy does and mammy's really worried that he's going to get picked on then one day he's out cycling on his bike and someone come up to him and says "faggot" the child un be knowing to him what has been said goes home to his mammy and says "mammy mammy i was just cycling on my bike and someone just called me a faggot" to mammy's greatest worry she jumps around the house shouting "what what what what" and beings to hug a and pity her child, the child copies his mother by jumping around also saying "what what what what". and every time there after when the child is out on the road something is said to him wether good or bad the child starts screaming and should just like his mammy thought him and runs home to his mammy so he can berry his head under his mammy's skirt for more pity and love and kisses to make the pain of the bad words that have been said to him.... he copies the behaviours of a woman and is acting like a faggot on the streets.

Also quite common in young black men.

Look at that kid he's acting like a molly collied little bitch... Go on run home to your mammy you little puff

by Cuchalainn January 31, 2017

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