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Bayaraa is like mashup of all curse words like Amarbat but remastered, people get bored easily so bayaraa is new curse word

Ur such an bayaraa, don't be a bayaraa, he/she's a bayaraaing bayaraa ect.

by Cursewordremasterer November 22, 2021

mani shaatsiishd

for usage of masculinity, it means "i fucked her" like cats pee on their land, usually guys use this on their friends crush even tho they don't even seen her they fucked her ( Mongolian guys are pretty magical isn't they )

bro 1 : ey bro look at this she's pretty
bro 2 : mani shaatsiishd

/friendship ruined successfully +100p/

by Cursewordremasterer November 22, 2021

Rule 38

if there's a thing. there'll be a movie

Sonic's movie, battleships movie even fuckin Dora's movie rule 38

by Cursewordremasterer December 10, 2021