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A collection of various meat, and occasionally pickle, usually contained between two slices of bread. If the manwich contains enough meats, an additional layer may be added to be caintained between another slice of bread.
A manwich never contains vegetables (such as cucumber or lettuce) as that might make the manwich remotely healthy. The exception to this rule is the pickle, because it's pickle. Cheese is also an acceptable addition to the manwich.

Person 1: What you having for lunch?
Person 2: I dunno, I got some ham, leftover beef, pork, uh, turkey (I think) and some cheese.

by CustodesAstartes December 12, 2010

4👍 6👎


A turkey stuffed with a slightly smaller turkey. Usually roasted for Thanksgiving.

Dude, you violated a turkey. With another turkey.
Yeah, it's my turturkeykey. :3

by CustodesAstartes November 23, 2010

52👍 10👎