The act of power dating in search of the perfect 'fit'. Often initiated via online dating (a.k.a. database dating), Trying on Sweaters often involves long waits in line, multiple exchanges and buyers remorse. Sometimes you try on a sweater and everything seems fine, but then you realize that it doesn't quite fit. Even though the label said "Wash and Wear" it acted like it was dry clean only and after the spin cycle It became downright clingy.
Thanks to four active profiles on Match, OK Cupid, Timber and eHarmony she was Trying on Sweaters sometimes three or four times a day. Last night she didn't even want a sweater but it was on sale so she took it home anyway.
The excuse or alibi given when a spouse or significant other is confronted with why their email address or other user information is on the hack list of 39 million registered users.
Usually contains references to a dark plot, somebody hacking somebody somewhere, somehow, "bots", the dark Web and a misplaced penis that has now shrunken smaller than the credit card they used for a paid membership.
When confronted, he sputtered out his Ashlibi: "I don't know how my email got on that list. It must be an evil plot against me. Just like that STD we got from the toilet seat."
Someone who's name shows up on the recently hacked list of registered users for married people looking for an affair.
"What's wrong with Dick? He seems really stressed. I saw him searching for apartments on his break."
"Yeah. His wife found his name on that hack list. "
"Ah. So we have another Scarlet A Lister on our team. That brings us up to three this week."