A bastard and a cowardly male who's only purpose in life is to gain sexual gratification no matter how many girl's hearts they break in the process. This hormone-driven species is very common on dating apps and also in the wild. They surf the internet to find naive or gulliable women to jerk off to by pretending to be nice and kind. Once they get the sexual relations by tearing down the woman's natural defenses through manipulation, they throw her to the wolves and immediately jump in bed with someone else in a never-ending cycle of fuckery while often leaving their victims heart-broken and ashamed.
The fuckboy is ultimately a product of male privilege and lack of parenting, responsibility holding, and is just a self-centered asshole all around. This species will also brag to other men and fuckboys intimate details of what he did with x girl that day, disrespecting her in the process. The fuckboy never actually wants to pay for prostitution services, but usually goes through meeting girls or relationships with normal females to get the sexual experience for free. Not only is he an ass but he's also cheap too.
Signs of a fuckboy:
-Asking for nudes
-Gets turned off the moment a type of commitment is mentioned
-Is usually against marriage
-Is always open for 'fun' with other people
-Acts nice or flirts to get what he wants
Fuckboys are shitheads that deserve AIDS
Girls you better watch out, some guys, some guys are only about, that thing