Nerd Nectar refers to cognitive enhancers. Flmodafinil, Adderall, Ritalin, Modafinil, Phenylpiracetam, Afobazole, Sunifiram, Selegiline, Caffeine and B-vitamins are Nerd Nectar. Usually, nerd nectar refers to Caffeine and Modafinil.
I had a monster energy drink and a Modafinil pill and studied for hours. Then played videogames. That nerd nectar was awesome!
Ratty is when a guy looks swole or buff or a girl looks THICC.
Adult Bart (swole and buff): Mmmmm, cheese. Cowabunga!
Stephanie (thicc): Cowabunga!
Nelson: They look so ratty!
Ratty is guys that are kind of buff and swole to very buff and swole and are all natural. Ratty is girls that are THICC to more THICCC to extra THICCCC.
Mary (THICCCC): Hi, Steve!
Steve (really buff and swole): Hi, Mary!
Dave: They're dating. Also, they look ratty.
EthylAmphetamine is the ethylated version of amphetamine. EthylAmphetamine last longer than amphetamine and is slightly stronger than amphetamine. It gives you energy, motivation, confidence, and concentration. EthylAmphetamine and Amphetamine are safe while MethAmphetamine is dangerous. EthylAmphetamine is also good for ADHD to calm you down.
This EthylAmphetamine is good stuff. I can study for hours.
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Omega 3's are a type of nutritious oil found in fish and possibly some nuts. Omega 3's help the brain to grow more and it's an essential fatty acid. In studies studying the benefits, it helps normal brains to be smarter, anxious people be a little less anxious (especially when combined with Propranolol), and ADHD people focus more (better than Adderall, Ritalin, or Modafinil alone). Omega 3's work best with B Vitamins, Memantine, and Tropoflavin. You can get Omega 3's in the supplement store and you can eat more fish.
Tony: I ate fried striped bass and rice with onion and avocado salad. It's full of Omega 3's.
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Vitamin N3 is Nolvadex. It's used on a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) after using SARMs to prevent gyno (Man Boobs).
Tony: I used Vitamin N3 after using RAD-140 SARMs.
Wake and Speed is when you wake up and try 5mg to 25mg Speed (Amphetamine, Ethylamphetamine) mixed with water. You can also use Blue Speed (Blue Amphetamine, Blue Ethylamphetamine). You become energetic and hyper. You might become sleepier instead on the Speed because of some forms of ADHD, so you might want to consider a Wake and Mod instead. If referring to Ethylamphetamine, it's Wake and EthylAmp (Wake and Ethyl-Amp, Wake and EA). If referring to Amphetamine, it's Wake and Amp. If referring to Thiopropamine (TPA), Methiopropamine (MPA), Ethiopropamine (EPA), Cyclohexylaminopropane (Norpropylhexedrine, NPPX, CHAP), Propylhexedrine (PPX), Cyclopentamine (CPA), Cyclopentylaminopropane (CPAP), Propylamphetamine (PA, PropylAmp, Propyl-Amp), It's Wake and Speed jr. When it's Propylamphetamine, it's Wake and PropylAmp (Wake and PA, Wake and Propyl-Amp). If using any stimulant (including caffeine), it's Wake and Tweak (Wake and Stim).
Tony: I woke up at 6:30am, took 10mg of Ethylamphetamine, and fell asleep. Then I woke up at 7:30am awake, refreshed, energetic, and confident. Thanks Wake and Speed!