Overly optimistic, wildly improbable expectation.
Every small town girl who drove 'em crazy where she grew up comes to L.A. with the excesspectation of super-stardom.
A belief among artificial intelligence enthusiasts that all problems are soluble by the right algorithm.
Every time I talk to those code monkeys they insist they've got a program that solves everything. They all suffer with algorithmania.
The assertion that something is its own negation.
Giulani said that truth isn't truth (then what the fuck is it?). It's an anti-tautological statement..
Never once met a woman who didn't suffer with some degree of mendophobia.
A politician who gets elected at the behest of and with the backing of major corporations.
Everyone in the G.O.P. and many of the Dems are just corporatebaggers seeking to line their own pockets.
The domain of information that exists in cyberspace and in all the digital and analogue repositories.
Your personal knowledge base can only contract in the ever expanding infosphere.
Insistent that everyone around you adhere to every fad that comes along.
I can't hang with her. We gotta do whatever's fashionable at the moment. She's positively fadistic about it.