Characteristic of the hype that realtors use to sell property.
My agent took me to some overpriced dump and used her considerable realtorical skills to convince me that it was the best place I could ever hope to afford to live.
A group of individuals who in theory are working in concert to achieve their objectives, but in practice are plotting one another's destruction.
That's quite a crew the President's assembled around him. They're like the unteam.
The opposite of hindsight, or the inability to learn from experience.
That fool must have hindblindness the way he keeps making the same mistake over and over again.
A love of ammunition.
Some of those Capitol invaders were packing duffels of high capacity clips. Those guys had serious ammophilia.
A person utterly addicted to capitalism to the exclusion of all else.
It's impossible to have an intelligent discussion about social welfare issues with a confirmed capitaholic.
Some of these fake news guys have serious case of mendophilia.