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Elonity is the word used to describe the efficient and unapologetic witty humor of Elon Musk.

Elon Musk: "Comedy is now legal on Twitter"
Dany: "This guy has mastered Elonity"
Elon Musk: "Nice Urban Dictionary word"

by D the Top G January 10, 2023

186👍 2👎


Pinecum is the sweetened version of a man's cum after consuming pineapple juice. This noble act is done for the benefit of the recipient and is likely to increase the probability of swallowing.

Emma: "Yum, how come your cum tasted so good today?"
Dany: "It's Pinecum."
Tilly: "Can I be next?"

by D the Top G January 10, 2023

10👍 1👎

social togetherness

Social togetherness is the opposite of social distancing. It's the new cultural movement which began in 2023. Since social distancing is the most fucked thing in history, we now need an equal amount of social togetherness to unfuck things.

Michelle: "I don't want to socially distance from you anymore"
Dany: "Social distancing is fucked"
Michelle: "Let's do some social togetherness, I'm coming over"
Dany: "Come over at 10pm for an unfucking session"

by D the Top G January 10, 2023


Dany is what you call someone of Legendary status. To be a Dany you need charisma, strength, sex-appeal, intelligence and a track record of winning.

Pamela: "OMG, look over there, that must be a Dany!"
Paris: "Hey, I'm gonna go talk to him"
Theresa: "He's the best fuck I've had"

by D the Top G January 10, 2023

196👍 5👎