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A nation built on top of the worlds most rugged terrain. Answered many calls to war, deliverd freedom to many and yet still treated like the worlds biggest sissy. Took the worlds most brutal and violent sport (Hockey) and turned it into a pastime. We give a giant beer mug to the champions....who thusly get smashed on Canadian brew. Invented the telephone so that the world could call first before they came over to party. 10 pin bowling took to long so we invented 5 pin so that we could get to drinking sooner. For that matter American Football takes to long too! So we shortened that one up! Fair catch?? As if!! We invented the light bulb the zipper oh and T.V and T.V Cameras. We gave the world great comedians, hundreds of hot singers and models and what did we get in return?? SARS!! Thanks jerks! Make sure you call first next time! : )

Canada is not for sissys.

by DAVE March 22, 2005

963πŸ‘ 188πŸ‘Ž


A fine country where people can drink at age 18. Canada is popularly portrated, by me, to be one big fat Minnesota (Canada is RIFE with hunters and fishermen)! ^_^

Unfortunately, Canada has been subject to be the most brainwashed nation by Michael Moore's devious indoctrination. Because of this, canadians now hate America about as much as the rest of the world. Which is a shame....I'm an american and I like Canada. I like to rip on canadians, but that doesn't mean I hate'em! Unfortunately there are some canadians who greatly dislike America, primarily because of the fact that we have a "different" president leading the free world.

And about Canada not participating in war....this is my point of view : Canada is a peaceful refuge from war. Canada doesn't need to require itself to go to war. But if they do go to war, they are amongst the most courageous people in the world. Being full of hunters, canadians soldiers should be tough.

Like I said, this is all my point of view. Personally, I wouldn't mind checking out Canada in the future. Ahh, so many countries I wanna check out....Japan, Russia, and now Canada. Gonna check out the lovely ladies that Canada has, and not to mention their nice liquor!! ^.^ eh?

"Canada is kind of Michael Moore's base of operations."

by DAVE March 21, 2004

89πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž

Bavarian Snorkler

The act of inserting ones testicles and scrotum into a sleeping person's open mouth and laying your penis parallel with the bridge of their nose(Kind of like the nose piece on a Roman helmet)

Dave: Hey Conner! Remember that time I gave you a Bavarian Snorkler when you slept over?
Conner: What are you talking about, scrub?

by DAVE May 24, 2005

50πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Form of defecation that resembles urine as much as feces; liquid poo.

Matt just let some shiss rip in the toilet

by DAVE April 7, 2003

97πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž



What You See Is What You Get

"..........it's an internet term."

by DAVE March 26, 2004

31πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž


Complete addoration of the body of an 'Evans@ for no reason as there has never been an apparent one.

Mr T. Evans loves himself

by DAVE June 13, 2003

1πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

special forces

A common term referring to a soldier who is part of a special ops group, from the US Army's Rangers to the US Navy SEAL's. Counterterrorist units are also special-forces.

"Look at all those soldiers out there in Iraq."
"Actually those are Rangers."
"Absolutely. Special-forces are the ones who fight wars these days."

by DAVE September 13, 2004

35πŸ‘ 122πŸ‘Ž