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slippery feather

1. An unnaturally sly or clever person.
2. A tricky or sneaky chap.
3. Somebody capable of achieving wildly unlikely or especially unexpected feats.

Mitch just got that chicks number with some crazy bullshit story he pulled out of his ass. What a slippery feather.

by DAVE April 21, 2005

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A very fucking stupid person

You forgot the tickets you bumberclut

by DAVE June 24, 2003

43πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž


*Another term for a prisoner's room.

*A term to refer to a militious group (such as a terrorist group).

*A quick term for a cellphone, as displayed, as an example, in the first episode of the current TMNT series; the "shellcell".

*The name of a powerful villian in Dragonball Z, able to create duplicates of his genetic code, all of which are capable of learning, and thus creating an almost immortal, self-aware foe. The only way to stop him is to fry his ENTIRE body.

"Hey, don't lookit me like that! I don't watch DBZ anymore! I already saw every episode. The final episode kinda sucked too."

by DAVE March 26, 2004

170πŸ‘ 60πŸ‘Ž

wanker washer

Someone who washes their penis on the urinal flush stream. To do this, they normally thrust their pelvis (and thus penis) deep into the urinal, until the penis touches the stream. They will then flush the urinal, often repeatedly, until they deem their penis to be clean. Paper towel is then used to dry the penis.

One variant is to just use a paper towel (available in most public washrooms) run the paper towel under the urinal stream, and then wash the penis manually with the paper towel.

That guy is a "wanker washer". I saw him washing his wanker in the urinal yesterday.

by DAVE March 4, 2003

20πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Basic, mandatory item. A term used in the military. Serves for various things, including weapons and clothes (normally called BDU's).

"The M16 is the standard-issue firearm of the US military, and the Beretta M9 is the standard-issue sidearm."

by DAVE April 16, 2004

29πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Please see real-life.

"There's too much fiction in real-life these days. Many things which people say are real are actually fiction. Political scandals are now fiction these days, because it's been such an ultra-hot topic for so long that everyone has exaggerated it. When people exaggerate reality, it becomes fiction."

by DAVE November 30, 2004

6πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


The adorable main character of the manga/anime series Inuyasha.

"I'm in love with you Kagome!"
-me, not Koga

by DAVE January 15, 2004

115πŸ‘ 234πŸ‘Ž