Source Code


A combination between the words "weiner" and "penis".

He has a big weinis.

You're such a weinis.

by DAVE March 4, 2003

81πŸ‘ 113πŸ‘Ž


in a hockey fight when one player rubs the smelly ass plah of his hockey glove up and down the other players face, like he was washing his face, its one of the most annoying and aggrivatting things, not to mention degrading, a badass move.

oh man, stock just gave that guy a nice facewash, bet hes pretty pissed

by DAVE February 8, 2005

25πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Stevie Ray Vaughan

One of the greatest guitar players ever to have lived. Also, one of the most beautiful and unselfish people ever to have lived. If everyone were like he was, there would be no war or hatred in the world.

SRV could play some uber tyte licks on that guit box.

by DAVE November 13, 2003

366πŸ‘ 126πŸ‘Ž


A thin, metallic, oval-like-shaped plate used as a form of identification on various aspects (like name, DOB, blood type, etc), worn with a chain (like a necklace), usually by infantry.
The true purpose of the dogtag is to be able to easily identify the corpse of a soldier. The dogtags are usually rested into the mouth of a soldier, sometimes even shoved up their teeth.

"Up their teeth? Ouch....I know they're dead, but still."

PS : my dogtag reads:

JUNE 14, 1775

Cool huh? I got it for free by sending something into the army. ^_^

by DAVE February 23, 2004

33πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

slobber box

A woman pussy after a gang bang or a nooner at work and then staying til 5pm

Hey I heard she was a slobber box. she likes to walk around with cum dripping from her pussy all day...it gets her off

by DAVE March 11, 2004

8πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Verb: To jab someone in the bare anus, or in the anal area with clothes on, a sharp object, which may or may not resemble a church steeple. The two index fingers of each hand placed together may be used as a steeple.

Noun: The object being used to steeple someone, as described in the verb form above.

I'm going to steeple you so bad.

Watch out for the steeple!

This shampoo bottle will make a good steeple.

I'm going to steeple you.

by DAVE March 4, 2003

12πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


Probably the most useless superhero for the Superfriends. He uses his powers to talk to fish.

Adult Swim, however, helped his career by, long ago, having him stand in front of a group of people and shake his booty. He was also interviewed on Cartoon Network and he explained his ability to communicate with sealife.

"*voice of the announcer-slash-narrator of the Justice Friends* using his telepathic powers Aquaman summons a can of sardines; buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh (that's the sound of his telepathic waves)..."
-Frank Caliento (spelling?), from a skit in Bob & Tom, ripping on Aquaman

by DAVE March 30, 2004

132πŸ‘ 88πŸ‘Ž