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Push Me Pull You

1. Fictional Animal in the original Dr. Doolittle.
2. Bisexual human.

Is that a push me pull you?

You pushed me. Let me pull you!

by DB Gibb March 9, 2006

21👍 17👎

drag strip

Slang: Brown strip of poo in underware.

As Benny bends over in the morning for his morning paper in front of his college roommates: "Gross! Benny has drag strips!"

by DB Gibb March 9, 2006

6👍 7👎


Mater Pronounced: maiter. Redneck for Tomato.

I like fried, green maters on ma hog jowl samich ( I like to fried, green tomato on my hog jow sandwich).

by DB Gibb March 9, 2006

87👍 45👎


Southern U.S. Accent Pronounciation: macau. Standard American English: My cow.

Macau et ma carn (My cow ate my corn)
Billy Bob, did ya still macau? (William Robert, did you steal my cow?)

by DB Gibb March 9, 2006

17👍 46👎


Religous Slur for members of the LDS Church. AKA Mormons

Is he going to the orgy? No, he is a MoMo

by DB Gibb March 9, 2006

61👍 97👎