Source Code

nex n_ bitch

someone else's lady

that's 2 much drama, i can't fuch with no nex n_ bitch.

by DCPimp August 25, 2003

4👍 15👎

Frisco dyke

the best when you get them in pairs, if ur not bitch-made that is.
gift of the gab don't hurt, neither

i got this 5th of bicardi,
me and ur girl should meet after the party

by DCPimp August 24, 2003

8👍 117👎

cali bomb

what chall want but just can't get!

by DCPimp August 24, 2003

26👍 18👎

dadonkadonk butt

from the sound it makes when she walks
see thick
a good thing

"da donk, da donk, da donk, da donk"

by DCPimp August 25, 2003

3👍 11👎

Back side

dairy-air, as in:

i'll put a whuppun 2 ur backside, yah crackuh!

by DCPimp August 25, 2003

15👍 13👎