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Bye Y'all

1. A colloquial term used in the southern (and some mid-western) United States, meaning goodbye.

2. On occasion the term may be used to mean, "I need to get the hell away from you"

3. Less frequently this term may be used to convey the meaning that you've been seriously fucked by someone and now they are "exiting the situation."

Synonyms: Adios, See Ya Later, Peace Out, Later Bro, Next Time, Catch Ya on the Flip Side, Until We Meet Again, Manana

1. You've just finished up a long night of partying with your friends at the bonfire, crushed that last can of beer on your head and now it's time to go home... "Bye Y'all"

2. You've spent the last 30 mins on the phone with a telemarketer saying, "Thanks but no thanks," and after realizing that nothing you say is going to get them to hang up; you simply say, "Bye Y'all" and hang up.

3. You receive an email saying that you need to claim the "reward certificate" that you a due from somewhere on the intra-web. After filling out all of the required information an revealing your social security number, your credit card and bank account information, your mother's maiden name, your dick size and sexual orientation.... the last step is "Click Here to Claim You Reward." Once you click the final button you get the eternal spinning wheel of death with no confirmation page. That's the bastards saying, "Bye Y'all!!"

by DCnCO November 29, 2021


Means "No Mistakes." As in, everything happens for a reason and all events serve a purpose regardless of whether whether the event is positive or negative.

I'm sorry your boyfriend cheated on you. #nm

You randomly found $100 bill in a parking garage. #nm

by DCnCO July 6, 2016

3👍 2👎