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Bristol is a south west England city that fancies itself as up-and-coming despite the fact that it is mainly inherited by braying ex-public school students and backward yokels. It has a long history of riots. It also has two football clubs with Rovers still being a bit shitter than City who have recently been relegated to League 1. The town centre is a scruffy, depressing little set of streets and the city has a tedious one way system. Outside of the city centre there are admittedly, some very handsome buildings but there's a shitload of fucking ugly ones too. Bristol's main problem is that it thinks it's much better than it is. Ultimately it's just a shitty little city with delusions of grandeur. Still, they've always got the Bristol Stool Scale - the official medical scale for categorising shit. Seems quite appropriate.

Normal person 1: Do you want to go to Bristol
Normal person 2: No thank you. It is shit.

by DGuyReg December 12, 2013

13👍 37👎