Source Code

Soviet Kitsch

When one performs the act of copulation when the woman is in her menstrual cycle.

"And we did the Soviet Kitsch, and my dick was all bloody!"

by DI-Unit June 9, 2005

3👍 35👎


that space between the neck and the boobs on a girl, that is sort of squishy, and is pretty much part of le boob.

"I was feeling her choobs, making my way to the tittays when her mom walked in."

by DI-Unit July 21, 2006

7👍 21👎


Any type of projectile from the body. Most commonly replaces semen

"And then all of his jurf got in my hair."


"And he jurfed in my mouth and i spit it out."

by DI-Unit June 9, 2005

22👍 11👎