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Gay Duo

Two seeminly straight men who in reality are a Gay Duo. They have their own language and finish eachother's thoughts.

Yo you hear about Dome and Dustin? Nah man what... Dude they are gay! That does not surprise me, I knew they were a Gay Duo from day 1 in training!

by DJ D-LUX October 15, 2008

12👍 2👎

Gay Duo

Two seeminly straight men, who spend so much time together they have their own secret language together. They also have their own friends, family and spouses questioning their sexual orientation.

Hey you hear about Dome and Dustin? No what's up... Dude they are gay. I totally knew they were a gay duo from the begining!

by DJ D-LUX October 3, 2008

3👍 1👎