scum of the north east. typically sporting the latest "trakkie B's" , Rockport boots and Berghaus jacket. Males usually wear fake burberry baseball cap at 45 degree angle, females prefer to sport the charva fringe acheived by curling the fringe around a coke can and laquering with half a can of hair spray. Charvas can often be found in most places, particular street corners and parks drinking their "tinnies" and bellabrusco or any cheap drink ending in brusco. Both sexes prefer to drape themselves in cheap jewellery and can often be seen smoking their favourite tabs lambert and butlers whilst shouting "way aye yee mug" or "you daft c*nt"
"gaan in the shop for us like" "get us a bottle a bella nd 10 lambies" "eeh cushdy" "oi oi"
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