Source Code


An acronym "Eat a Bagel" from the Lonely Island comedy album, Incredibad. It comes from the song called "Like a Boss".

"Eat a Bagel! (Like a Boss)"


by DJAshu July 22, 2010

14👍 12👎


HTF can be used if referring to:

1.) How the fuck

2.) Happy Tree Friends

3.) Hard to find (Ebay users)

Or the not commonly used:

4.) Hand to forehead

1 HTF did that happen?!

2 Lmao HTF is really funny but gory.

3 Wow that item is so HTF!

4 Oh my god, why did you even do that...HTF

by DJAshu July 15, 2009

125👍 14👎

Drama Addict

Someone who very emotional, or more specifically, dramatic.

Sally: OMG yesterday my boyfriend dumped me for another girl! I'm SO FREAKING mad at him and I hate my self. Everything sucks. Life sucks. Its totally the end of the world and I'll never find anoth--

Christina: SALLY. SHUT. UP. You are being SUCH a drama addict.

by DJAshu July 1, 2010

19👍 3👎


An acronym for "Who Said We're Wack" which comes from the Lonely Island comedy album, Incredibad.

"Someone said we're wack!
Why would they say that?
I don't think we're wack.
Who said we're wack?"


by DJAshu July 22, 2010

11👍 6👎