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the thing that gets between a man and what he wants.

"come here, bitch!"
"but it's my first time!"

by DRAGON FORCE January 17, 2006

996πŸ‘ 1148πŸ‘Ž


A mis-spelling or mistake, esp. When using a keyboard.
Happens a damn sight more often if you have really fat fingers.

Danny_0198: "Hlep me! my huose is o nfire!"
Elitist_cracker_1: "Fuck you, n00b, write properly. i don't consort with idiots who make typos."
Elitist_cracker_1 has signed off.

by DRAGON FORCE January 20, 2006

65πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


abbreviation of off at the mains, used when either
a) your computer crashes, or
b) your girlfriend/boss/children walk in on you and ask "what are you downloading?" but you can't get it to stop because you STILL haven't upgraded from windows 95 and your P.C is sickeningly slow, leaving you no choice.

Child/Boss/Girlfriend: "what are you doing?"
You: (clickclickclickclick) AARGH!!! FUCKING WINDOWS '95!

by DRAGON FORCE January 19, 2006

26πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


1) A pixie-like creature, seen in mythology.

2) A dog/human breed, seen in the suikoden series.

3) A way to tell your friends that a woman (wife,employer etc.) is a bitch or a dog, but not alert suspicion of said woman. derogatory term.

1) aaa, thy tiny kobold, thy have truly blessed my testicles with pixie-power. Although they have shrunk, now I can make love for 92 hours at a time!

2) aaa, you are a kobold I see?

3) guy #1:hiya kobold, whatsup? (sounds like an affectionate term.)
woman:hi, not a lot.
guy #2:(sniggers. HE knows it means bitch/dog)

by DRAGON FORCE January 19, 2006

35πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


The ear-piercing warble of Dan Forden from Mortal Kombat, haunting your nightmares, as once again, your friend beats you senseless and shouts along with aforesaid Forden, so you get a deathly harmony of "Toasty!" whilst you silently cry onto your SNES controller. nobody knows why he says "toasty", but it has haunted a generation.

Dan Forden:"Toasty!"
You:"no, why? oh the horror! wah! wah!"

by DRAGON FORCE January 17, 2006

424πŸ‘ 133πŸ‘Ž


1) Popular movie star, who became famous with rambo.
2) (to pull a) To sneak up on an unsuspecting victim and cocklash them vigorously, causing surprise.

"Burt was so drunk, it was easy to pull a Stallone on him"

by DRAGON FORCE January 18, 2006

42πŸ‘ 79πŸ‘Ž


1) a person who is sulking, with an edge towards aggresion.

2) a way of telling someone (esp. a partner) that they are being both snotty and grouchy, without being attacked by them. Generally said with bottom lip out and in a babyish voice

Snotty + Grouchy = Snouchy

1) Guy #1: "Arrgh! You just poked me in the fucking eye!"
Guy #2: "Stop being such a Snouchy Cunt."

2) Guy: "You fucking Kobold! I am SO pissed off! I'm going to go and sulk like a jerk."
Girl: "Aw, baby, are you being a wittle bit snouchy? Come here for snuggles."
Guy: "Oh, darling you really are so vomit-inducingly cute. Here, let me stop sulking and give you some oral pleasure."

by DRAGON FORCE February 27, 2006

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž