Korrui Multipum (KOR-ROO-ee MUL-tee-PuM) is the specific branch of Korrui that (though they may believe in the existence of, or even perform the practices of multiple) follows only one polytheistic pantheon. Within Korrui Multipum one usually states the name of there preferred polytheistic pantheon (with the addition of "om" to the, and usually replacing an existing end) after the words "Korrui Multipum" (EXAMPLES: Korrui Multipum Asatrom, Korrui Multipum Hellenom, Korrui Multipum Kemetom, Korrui Multipum Religio Romanom, etc.)
I'm not greek, I'm just Korrui Multipum Hellenom.
A black or dark grey hat sewn in a form similar to that of a beanie that is lined with smooth-sanded, circular silver or iron studs. A Büf is worn in a way that covers one's upper neck, ears, and forehead along with one's hair by followers of the Korrui religion during The Focused Time
Teacher: You can't wear your your hat in here.
Student: Sorry, my Büf stays on until the end of The Focused Time.
A religious practice in which the practitioners follow various gods or goddesses, sometimes being singular (Korrui Monum), sometimes being multiple (Korrui Multipum), sometimes none at all (Korrui Atheum) and sometimes somewhere in between and practice a belief in taking care of one's self and others, usually noted to be seen wearing either a Büf or a Hüddi during the span of time between the holidays of Krampus and Luna Flame whenever in the presence of the opposite gender (The Focused Time).
Teacher: Take off your hat indoors.
Student: I'm Korrui; the Büf stays on until Luna Flame.
Korrui Atheum (KOR-ROO-ee AY-thee-um) is the specific branch of Korrui that (though they may perform the practices of multiple) believes in no gods or goddesses.
Guy 1: Why does Beth cover her hair so much? Isn't she an Atheist?
Guy 2: No, Beth's Korrui Atheum. She'll be wearing her Büf around us until Luna Flame.
Korrui Agnostium (KOR-ROO-ee AG-NAHS-tee-um) is the specific branch of Korrui that (though they can believe in the existence of, or even perform the practices of multiple) does not follow any gods or goddesses.
I'm not agnostic, I'm Korrui Agnostium.
Korrui Pannum (KOR-ROO-ee PA-nem) is the specific branch of Korrui that (though they may not perform all the practices and usually do not fallow all, a few, or even a single) believes in the existence of all gods and goddesses.
History prof: no one believes that every god across the world is real-
Smart student: what about Korrui Pannum?
Korrui Monum (KOR-ROO-ee MAW-nuhm) is the specific branch of Korrui that (though they may also believe in the existence of, or even perform the practices of multiple) only follows one god or goddess. Within Korrui Monum one usually states the name of there preferred god or goddess (with the addition of "ian" to the end) after the words "Korrui Monum" (EXAMPLES: Korrui Monum Fafnirian, Korrui Monum Jehovahian, Korrui Monum Kahian, Korrui Monum Christian, etc.)
Yeah, I believe in God. I'm Korrui Monum Christian, why wouldn't I?