The annoying alternative one uses on a forum instead of using "topic". The only forum software known to man that uses "thread" is VBulletin.
Noob: This is a funny thread!
Pro: Shut the hell up you retarded noob, it's called a topic.
45π 135π
The newest game to be released in the Battlefield series. It is free to play, the only thing that will cost real money, perhaps, is clothes and such.
The only current bad thing is that it's still in Private Beta Phase 2, meaning you need a key, so the forums are spammed with people asking for others keys.
Spammer: Can I have your Battlefield Heroes key? I really want to play...
Me: Yea, my key is.....SORRY, NO KEY FOR YOU.
52π 38π
"Fail" is a word that is more than often overused online. Unfortunately it has spewed into mainstream society and now is being used in every day life, much like "epic".
People who "fail" generally are not even trying to accomplish anything, or they simply do something different than you. This word is most commonly used by annoying teenagers (who put a bad reputation on gaming), who shout "FAIL!" every time someone makes a slight error.
If you point out an obvious flaw by saying "FAIL" you're obviously a failure yourself for having lack of logic.
Kid: I just tripped because someone...tripped me.
Idiot who doesn't use logic to realize it wasn't the kids fault for being tripped, it was actually the other persons fault: FAIL!
432π 237π
A regular ordinary MP3 / MP4 player that costs 10x more than the standard player.
It's basically an item one tells themselves is better and more qualified than any other media device, yet it requires installing bullshit iTunes, using some special cable that costs an arm and a leg instead of the standard USB 2.0, and ultimately becomes a useless piece of shit when the screen gets scratched.
It's also got an overrated battery that lasts about 40 minutes.
Person 1: DUDE! I just got a new iPod.
Me: *facepalm*
So many people like iPods and are so convinced they are the best, I will be surprised if this comment is even approved.
16π 18π
The people who register on messages boards, post one time, then disappear, never to be seen again.
The post that they post is usually a nonsensical one that only a select few might understand, but normally leaving much to the imagination.
A One Post Wonder may contain anything from smileys, the word "Hi", to the more common spam.
One Post Wonder: Hi! :D
Member 1: What was that about?
Member 2: I've got no idea.
13π 3π
A game that used to be good, until the people who make Warrock decided to prefer payed users instead of the die-hard free users that used to have fun playing. Now free players are restricted to horrible guns, and cannot download as many custom maps or content. Filled with hackers who can't play the right way, crying 10 year old children, and idiots who like to make movies and lag out the game. Warrock is a more expensive knock-off of Battlefield 2, only instead with crappier graphics and non-existent armies.
Person 1: Hey man want to play some Warrock?
Person 2: Why? So I can get bitched at by some child who claims I'm a hacker since I shoot him in the head for hiding in the same spot?
49π 14π
Really used by the U.S. Pork company, but now it's become a term to define a white person who trys to act black, and the black people seem to notice and say "oh look, the other white meat". Now it's overused by white people who think they are funny.
Wigger: Fo shizzle!
Black Person: Yo whitey you're the other white meat.
Wigger: Cool! Now I'm going to got say that to my friends in an attempt to be funny!
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