Source Code


(n.) the frustration of waiting for someone that sucks at typing to finish writing something on a computer.

Guy 1- "Did Stan email the prof about the project."
Guy 2- "Yeah, it took like 20 minutes because he was chicken pecking the shit out of the keys! Honestly, I could have written it in 3!"
Guy 1- "Shit. You must have been pretty keybored, bro!"

by Da Sperminator March 23, 2011

81πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


(n.) the attitude, typically piss poor, assumed by any foolish individual drinking Aristocrat Vodka, aka 'Crat.

Guy 1- "Did Keith just bong a solo cup of 'Crat?"
Guy 2- "Yeah, I wish he hadn't too, he gets a bad 'Crattitude from drinking that shit!"

by Da Sperminator January 23, 2011

248πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž


(n.) a swarm of gnats, proving so vexatious as to warrant a comparison to the totalitarian regime of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazi).

Fuck the great outdoors! These gnazis are pestering me like the Gestapo!

by Da Sperminator January 23, 2011

228πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


(n.) a recently-given hickey; coined for its distinct raw, meaty look.

Guy 1- "Nice hamburger, broseph."
Guy 2- "Yeah. She was real hongry!"

by Da Sperminator January 23, 2011

368πŸ‘ 147πŸ‘Ž

shopping bitch

(n.) the guy who carries his woman's merchandise around a store; nothing screams whipped louder; female response to being told to make a sammich.

Guy 1- "So I saw you and Lindsey at the store. Hope those shoe boxes weren't too heavy, haha!"
Guy 2- "Shut up, man!"
Guy 1- "Dude, she made you her shopping bitch! You are too whipped for words!"

Guy- "Hey baby, can you come here? Now go make me a sammich!"
Girl- "Did you just say that, little man? Go be my shopping bitch, or it's no sex for a year!"

by Da Sperminator March 3, 2011

62πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


(v.) to ream someone with some solid timber; to fuck her silly.

Guy 1- "You trying to drink some Bud tonight."
Guy 2- "No, I'm gonna be timbering my slutfriend."
Guy 1- "Send her my condolences."
Guy 2- "No remorse, bro. Grow a pair."

by Da Sperminator March 15, 2011

59πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Florida Surprise

when you pull out from some head to stop from cumming, but proceed to blow your wad all over her face anyway: mutual surprise ensues, as you thought you just needed a quick break.

Dan: "Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Oh no! Cindy, stop! I'm gonna cum!"
Cindy: "What? Come on Dan, what the fuck! All over my face?"
Dan: "Sorry darling, it was a Florida Surprise!"

by Da Sperminator April 18, 2011

46πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž