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A verb. To "tron" someone is to rush past said person who is walking to get ahead of them, usually in a line or queue; popularized in both Tron movies as the Light Cycles.

Dude I was headed for this hot chick's register at Burger King and this fat fuck in a mobility scooter tronned me.

by Da Troof October 23, 2012

48👍 18👎

Che guevara

One of the most influentional revolutionaries of the 20th century. Ernesto Guevara was born in Argentina. He had ancestors from Ireland. he suffered from mostly all his life. He loved rugby. The studied to b and doctor and soon got his medical degree. He was especially curious about the people who suffered from leprasy. In his early 20s he took a motorcycle ride throughout most of the countires in south america. He saw many of the textiles and beautiful natural resourse his latino countries had, but wondered how they were being robbed of what they could really produce. He then meet a young peruvian woman who then they studied Marx and lenin and many other socialist reformists. He got married then had 5 kids. He then fled to mexico city where most political exiles fled to during that time. There he meet castro who wanted to over throw the bautista dictatorship in cuba. The regime was secretly benifitin the U.S. government and the cuban hated bautista. Che went with castro to cuba. After fighting for about 5 years and Guevara moving up in rankings the revolution was won in 1959. Che momtivated the people to stop the imperialism in there country and then they started to stop all the bussinesses owned by the U.S. ( gas stations, fast food, clothing stores) They kept it for the people which s what socialism is. The U.S. then got pissed and formed a blockade not sending any imports since then. Geuvara didn't giva a fuck. He didn't want cuba just to produce sugar canes. So he started to agricult many new crops not used before in that land. A few years later he felt like he needed to keep doing his revolutions around the world to stop the yankeee imperialism. In 1965 he left for the zaire or the congo. There he tried to start a revolution againt mostly beglium controlled terrortry. He wasn't succesful. He felt the soliders were badly trained and in need of much discipline. He then left and went back to cuba for awhile. He asked castro for some soliders to fight in south america. He then went to bolivia which is surrounded by 5 other countries and would be good to start a revolution.when he got there to the jungle not much of what Castro had promised to send was there. also some russian help wasn't there. The bolivian cummunist fighters were to fuckin pussy and didn't come to help guevara when they said they would. Always debated Castro some what desserted guevara because he was gettin to popular or because castro only cared about cuba. Later in the fight much undernumbered and many of his soliders to week and distro about his recent mother's death and faliure in the congo Guevara was captured. He was then held hostage in a remote young run down school by a solider. They then gave to the order to shot him because the bolivians which were trained by the fuckin U.S. Green baretts who fought in the korean and vietnam war ( becuse such a revolution wouldn't benifit the U.S. from conrtolling those south american countries) killed him because they didn't want any prisoners. His body was then put on display but his message is lived out through out the world.

the imperialism is whats keepin the south americans countires under developed and 3rd world had che guevara lived bush wouldnt be here

by Da Troof October 16, 2005

677👍 644👎

bush administration

the weakest presidency if you could call it that. Just some stupid ass hick who can't even make a speech and failed all his speech classes when trying to be a politician. He faggot ass pops just put him in and his other son in florida. (where the votes were hidden? hmmmm)
This looks more like an arabic family takin over a country. Sold nucleure weapons around with his dad. Only reason he invaded iraq and afganistan was to put thier pipe line through them and imperialise them startin up business and shit over there. After the whole world said leave them alone and Kofe the un general that foreign house negro just followed. Last election only won the southern hick states and votes. One of the lowest rated president ever. And the stupidest one who wasn't even destined to be a president.

Bush administration is a hipocracy Diddy prolly voted for his ass kerry wouldn't of been that much better. they are fucked up that bush and dick with their dyke and drunken daughters. conda rice is jus the sally hennings of this administraion

by Da Troof October 16, 2005

1016👍 848👎