Source Code

the crack theory

the crack theory is a theory that states that it is not sexy to see an ass crack no matter who it is on, and the only time crack is sexy is when cheeks are involved

yo that girl has a fat ass, but that crack aint workin for me

by Da XCellent July 11, 2004

10👍 8👎

pink chocolate

the vagina cavity of a woman with a darker complexion

i got some pink chocolate last night

by Da XCellent July 10, 2004

56👍 10👎


A rather large sized penis that seems to have control over women in the same way that a pimp does.

Once you've had the pimpsickle, you don't go back to regular genetalia.

by Da XCellent June 30, 2004

9👍 1👎


a shortened version for Tallahassee, FL

my boy stayes over in T-Town, hes studying engineering

by Da XCellent July 11, 2004

11👍 64👎


when a woman is very angry at a man to where she slices and dices his penis. similar to when a pickle is chopped up and turned into relish

ya boy cheated on his girl and she turned his dick into relish

by Da XCellent July 11, 2004

18👍 52👎


1. Area code in the greater Jacksonville area
2. The greater Jacksonville area

I was up in the 904 the othe day

by Da XCellent July 2, 2004

361👍 103👎